Our Story

We empower your transition to electric mobility with our complete electric vehicle charging solutions.

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Our Story

Entering the Era of Widespread EV Integration

In 2023, electric vehicles have made a significant leap, with one in six new car buyers choosing this sustainable option worldwide. This milestone marks the advent of a new phase in electric mobility, where EVs transition from a niche preference to a mainstream choice. This year, electric vehicles are set to reach a broader audience, reflecting their readiness for universal adoption.

Mobility has granted us freedom, opportunity, and growth, shaping our world in profound ways. Yet, this progress has its costs. To forge a sustainable future, we must shift away from fossil fuels, with electric mobility being pivotal to this transformation. This vision is what inspired the founding of cubenzpower over a decade ago, setting the stage for the electric vehicle revolution.

The Solution

How to be 4G ready

The electric vehicle revolution is now in full swing. We’ve entered a groundbreaking phase where electric vehicles have evolved beyond their initial niche status to become a catalyst for widespread societal change. Once seen as a pioneering choice for a few, EVs are now set to make a significant impact on a broader scale. It's time to usher this innovation into the mainstream.

In this transformative age, it’s essential to establish a robust infrastructure for widespread electric vehicle adoption. That's why we are at the forefront, offering comprehensive solutions tailored for innovative businesses and drivers. Our goal is to create a future where electric mobility becomes the standard.

The Solution

Full visibility, full control

Stay on top of your energy consumption with our comprehensive charging overview. Track session history and usage patterns with ease.

*Note: 4G networks can communicate with 5G networks.

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Our Core Values

Enhance Driver Confidence

From highways to home, our solutions see to it that drivers can charge effortlessly and with assurance.

Accelerate Business Expansion

Our charging solutions break down market barriers, allowing businesses to grow and adapt as EV demand rises.

Adapt to Market Evolution

As mobility innovations continue to advance, our solutions are crafted to meet the evolving needs of EV charging.

Support a Greener Future

We are dedicated to facilitating the shift to electric mobility while minimizing the environmental impact of our solutions and services


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